Dicks Tribute

Created by Emma 3 months ago

Richard was born on the 15th of May 1948 in Edmonton in London. He was the  first of two sons born to Daph and Dick Senior. Dick spent the first five years of his life living in Edmonton before the family decided to move here to Norfolk and they started their new lives living here in Gorleston.
it was here where Dick would spend his formative years, growing up and going to school locally until he was fifteen.

When he finished school Dick went onto printing college and trained as a printer. It was the job he would do for most of the rest of his working life. When he started working he worked for different printers such as Edgar Burrell’s, Blackwells and Galliards until he decided to set up his own business.

In the late nineteen seventies the company of Great Yarmouth Printing Services was born at Brinel Way. Dick worked hard and the business flourished, so much so that in 1986 he had a purpose built factory built on the Gapton Hall estate and it was where he worked until he retired in 2008. 

In those years Dick met and married Jo. They became parents to their son, Ben but as is the way of life sometimes, things didn’t go to plan and Dick and Jo went their separate ways. 

Dick first met Lin in 1986 when she joined the company to work for Dick at Brinel Way, just a few months before the new factory was completed. When Dick found himself single again he and Lin realised that they were meant for each other. They got together and married and in 2000 they moved to their new home at Forest Mount in Fritton.

Lin’s Robert and Graham boys lived with them for a while until they went their own ways in life but Dick and Lin discovered a shared passion for travel. They bought their motorhome and would go off all over the UK and Europe, spending much of the winters in Spain where they made many good friends who are still friends to this day.

That was the thing about Dick. He was a real people person. Always with a smile or a joke to share and sometimes even a song! In his younger day he’d even done some stand-up comedy at the old Garibaldi nightclub. People just couldn’t help but like him. Dick was always there to help others too and he would help with anything he could. He could turn his hand to many different things although we’re not too sure how good his electrical skills really were! He was really good in the house or garden though and Dick was the man people called when they got stuck with anything.

In 2008 Dick suffered a heart attack and he gave up the printing business but it wasn’t long before he was back working again and he went into partnership with Stacey as a property developer.
With the children all grown up they began to create their own families and soon Dick and Lin were to become grandparents six times-to Ruby, Olivia, Lucy, Harry, Sam and Charlie.

Dick was always working on something and he loved his motorbikes. He and Lin went off around the UK and across Europe on biking trips, often with friends and Dick was part of a biker group. Every Friday the group would get together for a chat and a laugh and Dick would nearly always finish the chat with a song. More recently he also enjoyed his cars as well as the bikes.

The other thing that Dick did was write a lot. He kept notes and wrote poems about different things and people and Lin has discovered a folder full of little observations and ditties, some of which are quite rude!

He was a music lover and a big fan of Status Quo who he saw play live at Blickling. The other thing he loved and may well be remembered for were his  colourful jumpers!
Ben also got into the  bikes and he and dick did moto Cross together but Dick also enjoyed the sports bikes and did track days.  

It was one of those track days that brought us here today. Dick was having a day at Snetterton when he came off the bike. He had to go into hospital with his injuries and then required surgery but after it complications set in and on the 15th of September Dick suffered a heart attack and closed his eyes for the final time at the Norfolk and Norwich hospital.
It was a day that changed your lives forever. Now you all have a huge gap in your lives where Dick should be but while he can’t be with you in person it doesn’t mean that Dick isn’t with you. Look back and so many memories of good times shared with Dick will come to mind. When you think about those memories you’ll realise that it was Dick himself who played a big part in creating them for you. He will always be a part of those memories and they will be talked about for a very long time to come. Dick has also made a special place in your hearts too so wherever you are he will be there with you, just a thought or memory away.

Dick did live a very full life. He was a man who certainly made the most and best of his life that he could so today rather than mourning his loss, we celebrate Dick and his life.

Life for all of you will now carry on without Dick. You’ll have to find someone else to call on when you need help but Dick will never be too far from your thoughts. As time moves on you may find that you aren’t thinking of him all of the time but now and then Dick will come to mind.

When that happens, remember dick with great fondness and love for being the man he was and for all that he did and achieved but above all else, remember Dick for everything that he brought to your lives. 

The sadness of losing him so suddenly will always be there but so too will those memories and although there may be some tears shed he will still make you smile too.

Of course you are going to miss him but Dick certainly made his mark on your lives so he won’t be forgotten. The other thing that remains is the friendship and love that you shared with Dick. It will endure and never fade.